The best of Life is a delightful compilation of the smallest seemingly inconsequential elements.
Two of my students gave oral exams today and awed me with their comprehension of world history, moral philosophy, literature and music. In both cases, they were intelligent, personable, fun and instructive. I walked away wiser than when I arrived.
My brandy tastes good tonight.
I'm gratified that after 5 days the rain has ended.
I don't mind the close, dark, autumn skies because they suggest to me that I ought to open a classic work and contemplate the condition of man or perhaps the condition of my soul. They ask me to start a fire and stare into the flames, and simultaneously to stare into my core commitments.
As the sky clears and the constellations beckon for my attention, I feel relief for the expectation of a bright and unclouded sunrise. I only wish the morning would be filled with birdsong. The season doesn't hold very much promise for that, however. "She's glad the birds are gone away/ she's glad her simple worsted gray is silver now with clinging mist."
My four-year-old granddaughter spends the night. Earlier, she sat quietly in my arms, leaned her head against my chest and watched a video, the warmth and relaxation of her little body a richness to my soul filling me with delight. At bed-time, she voluntarily scooted over and comfortably leaned against me again as I read to her the "Unbouncing of Tigger." What better expression of love and trust could one ask from a 4-year-old?
Today's Influences and Soundtrack:
Robert Frost, My November Guest
Robert Littlejohn, Wisdom and Eloquence
Fancis Thompson, Hound of Heaven
Sally Shapiro, Dying in Africa
Hem, Eveningland
Ludwig von Beethoven, Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral"